How AI is transforming eDiscovery

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is impacting eDiscovery in more ways than you know. Is your business benefitting and working smarter?

AI has already touched many aspects of our lives whether you notice it or not. Cars use AI to drive themselves. Retail websites use AI to suggest products we might buy. Photography software uses AI to identify the people in our photos. Facebook recently started trialing new AI-driven capabilities to describe photos to visually-impaired users.

Given these facts, it’s not surprising that AI is impacting eDiscovery too. AI has already given birth to the whole field of Technology Assisted Review (TAR), by leveraging machine learning techniques to transform the document review process. Outside of TAR, AI helps litigators improve their performance many important tasks:

  • Understanding the data involved in legal cases and using that information to power a smarter eDiscovery process

  • Enhancing the process for document review management and supporting legal teams to maximize these resources

  • Empowering stakeholders in the decision making process regarding legal matters, cost savings and delivering better results

Speed and Efficiency

For industries ruled by billable hours like law, speed is critical. AI helps legal teams review and analyze materials faster. This could mean unearthing which cast of characters is the biggest priority or which communication strands are the most insightful. Legal teams can use these insights to create better document review strategies and identify key players.

Intelligent Connections

AI can help review teams to find new, compelling areas of focus. It can also aid in broadening your idea of what’s possible beyond standard search terms and analytics to capture new, information-rich documents. AI can search for documents similar to what legal teams have already focused on and identify new documents that relate to their current selection.

Optimizing the overall process

AI can improve the review management process by automatically monitoring progress and revealing things humans cannot see. AI pinpoints the most effective reviewers without having to run reports and find patterns across datasets, like who reviewed the most documents with the fewest overturned calls during the QC phase. AI can also perform unexpected functions like suggesting the best periods in the day for review and the least disruptive time to apply system updates.

Constant Improvement

A great feature of AI is that it always refines itself and gets smarter. Its omnipresent nature means there are lots of opportunities to learn. Litigation teams really get excited about the connections AI will make, leading to more discoveries. Ultimately, AI will allow legal and business decision-makers to pursue cases successfully and make intelligent calls about how to pursue a case if at all.


12 Oct, 2021


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